Well where should I get started?
We have a new champion =) Neiti Spectrolite´s Points On Back became Finnish Champion FI CH (show) 1.9.13 in Suonenjoki. Judge was Lena Danker. Pyre also attended the same dogshow and was 2nd in Open Class with CQ (and Best bitch 5 if they would have placed 5 bitches).
All 3 of our youngsters (cockerspaniels Merja, Kalle and Pyre) have passed their working ability test this summer.
Merja has also got 2 first price in MEJA (bloodtracking) and a ticket to winnerclass. Kalle got a first prize in MEJA 04.08 and became Lakeuden Spanielit ryn Open class champion.
Both Merja and Kalle got their waterworktest approved (for huntingtest) with 3p (of 3p)
Flikka is growing and has now attended her first dogshow with VG from a known sheltiebreeder (she´s a little bit undeveloped still) so we have som hopes for her =)
Mats and Kiira have attended some unofficial agilitycompetitions with som good results. He also competed with Merja with good results =)
Ressu and I have attended 2 unofficiall rallyobedience competitions with approved results borh times, second competition we got a second place (would have won if I wouldn´t have screwed up at a sign)
I shall try to write a little bit more often, I´ll try ;)
fredag 4 oktober 2013
torsdag 7 mars 2013
R.I.P Haamu
Just this side of heaven is
a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Aivan taivaan tällä laidalla on paikka nimeltä
Lemmikit, jotka ovat olleet täällä jollekulle
erityisen läheisiä, menevät kuoltuaan Sateenkaarisillalle.
Siellä on kaikille rakkaille ystävillemme niittyjä ja kukkuloita, joilla ne voivat juosta ja leikkiä yhdessä.
Ruokaa, vettä ja auringonpaistetta on yllin kyllin, ja kaikilla ystävillämme on lämmintä ja mukavaa.
Siellä on kaikille rakkaille ystävillemme niittyjä ja kukkuloita, joilla ne voivat juosta ja leikkiä yhdessä.
Ruokaa, vettä ja auringonpaistetta on yllin kyllin, ja kaikilla ystävillämme on lämmintä ja mukavaa.
Kaikki eläimet, jotka ovat olleet sairaita ja vanhoja,
saavat takaisin terveytensä ja elinvoimansa; loukkaantuneet ja vammautuneet
parantuvat ja tulevat jälleen vahvoiksi, juuri sellaisiksi, kuin ne
ovat muistoissamme ja unelmissamme menneistä päivistä ja
Eläimet ovat onnellisia ja tyytyväisiä. On vain yksi pieni asia: kukin niistä kaipaa jotakuta hyvin rakasta, joka niiden täytyi jättää jälkeensä.
Eläimet ovat onnellisia ja tyytyväisiä. On vain yksi pieni asia: kukin niistä kaipaa jotakuta hyvin rakasta, joka niiden täytyi jättää jälkeensä.
Ne kaikki juoksentelevat ja leikkivät yhdessä,
mutta tulee päivä, jona yksi yhtäkkiä pysähtyy
katsomaan kaukaisuuteen. Sen kirkkaat silmät ovat jännittyneen
tarkkaavaiset; sen innokas ruumis värisee. Yhtäkkiä se alkaa
juosta pois ryhmän luota lentäen yhä nopeammin yli vihreän
Se on havainnut sinut, ja kun sinä ja rakas ystäväsi
vihdoinkin tapaatte, te pysyttelette yhdessä riemukkaina jälleennäkemisestä
ettekä koskaan enää eroa. Iloiset suudelmat satavat kasvoillesi,
kätesi hyväilevät taas rakasta päätä ja katsot
vielä kerran lemmikkisi luottavaisiin silmiin, jotka niin kauan olivat
poissa elämästäsi, mutteivät koskaan poissa sydämestäsi.
Sitten te ylitätte Sateenkaarisillan yhdessä...
På den här sidan himlen finns en plats som kallas Regnbågsbron.
När ett djur som varit särskilt betydelsefull för någon dör,
så kommer det till Regnbågsbron.
Där finns ängar och kullar för alla våra speciella vänner
så att de kan springa och leka tillsammans.
så kommer det till Regnbågsbron.
Där finns ängar och kullar för alla våra speciella vänner
så att de kan springa och leka tillsammans.
Där finns tillräckligt med mat, vatten och solsken,
och våra vänner har det varmt och skönt.
Alla djur som har varit sjuka och gamla
blir återställda till hälsa och vigör;
de som varit skadade eller handikappade blir friska och starka igen,
precis som vi minns dem i våra drömmar från gångna tider.
och våra vänner har det varmt och skönt.
Alla djur som har varit sjuka och gamla
blir återställda till hälsa och vigör;
de som varit skadade eller handikappade blir friska och starka igen,
precis som vi minns dem i våra drömmar från gångna tider.
Djuren är glada och nöjda, utom för en liten sak;
de saknar alla någon väldigt speciell som de varit tvungna att lämna kvar.
Alla springer och leker tillsammans,
men en dag kommer någon av dem att stanna upp och titta i fjärran.
de saknar alla någon väldigt speciell som de varit tvungna att lämna kvar.
Alla springer och leker tillsammans,
men en dag kommer någon av dem att stanna upp och titta i fjärran.
Dess klara ögon är intensiva; kroppen börjar skälva.
Han springer plötsligt ifrån gruppen, flyger över det gröna gräset,
hans ben bär honom fortare och fortare.
Han har sett dig, och du och din speciella vän möts till slut
i en lycklig återförening för att aldrig skiljas igen.
Han springer plötsligt ifrån gruppen, flyger över det gröna gräset,
hans ben bär honom fortare och fortare.
Han har sett dig, och du och din speciella vän möts till slut
i en lycklig återförening för att aldrig skiljas igen.
Lyckliga kyssar regnar över ditt ansikte,
dina händer smeker på nytt det älskade huvudet,
och du ser ännu en gång in i de tillgivna ögonen på ditt djur
som så länge varit frånvarande från ditt liv
men aldrig från ditt hjärta.
dina händer smeker på nytt det älskade huvudet,
och du ser ännu en gång in i de tillgivna ögonen på ditt djur
som så länge varit frånvarande från ditt liv
men aldrig från ditt hjärta.
Sen går ni över Regnbågsbron tillsammans...
This is a very sad day for us! A dear friend has left us! But we have to think he´s in a better place now where there is no pain!
We love and miss you Haamu!
We love and miss you Haamu!
onsdag 9 januari 2013
Flikka has turned 4 weeks
Sorry again, you´d think that I´d have a little more time to write in the blog now when I have been home with the puppy. Well guess again. I don´t now how it´s possible for the time to pass by so fast?
Well, Flikka (Westtorpets Queen Of Fire) turned 4 weeks on Monday, How the time flies.
She´s a round little oddboll that have alot of temperament. She really lets you know when something is wrong (for most times it´s BOOORING). Well in a way I understand her when she´s alone and don´t have any siblings. We and Kiira try to play with her as much as we can, but no one of us want to play in the middle of the night (surprise surprise). But otherwise everything is great with her! Her appetite is there nothing wrong with =) And when she the only one in the litter she gets all the milk and food.
It´s not hard to guess who´s her mother =) There´s so many familytraits in her that comes from Kiira. =)
Here´s a video and som photos of her from this week =)
Well, Flikka (Westtorpets Queen Of Fire) turned 4 weeks on Monday, How the time flies.
She´s a round little oddboll that have alot of temperament. She really lets you know when something is wrong (for most times it´s BOOORING). Well in a way I understand her when she´s alone and don´t have any siblings. We and Kiira try to play with her as much as we can, but no one of us want to play in the middle of the night (surprise surprise). But otherwise everything is great with her! Her appetite is there nothing wrong with =) And when she the only one in the litter she gets all the milk and food.
It´s not hard to guess who´s her mother =) There´s so many familytraits in her that comes from Kiira. =)
Here´s a video and som photos of her from this week =)
tisdag 18 december 2012
Sorry all, I haven´t written in a very long time in this blog, most due to that time seems to fly away.
But lets see what new on the dog-front. Well Neiti have attended a mental description for dogs. We have attended av few dogsshows with our youngsters, no bigger success on that front, but we satisfied still because the critics have been that they are young and need time to settle.
We have attended a few unofficial competitions in agility and rallyobedience. Kiira got a second place in her first agilitycompetition (unofficial) and won her trainingcompetition. Neiti got a second place in rallyobedience with 94 points and Ressu got a 3rd place with 92 points.
We also have a puppy at home now. Kiira was mated with Tero (Shandy´s Line Of Fire) and last monday a babygirl was born. Unfortunally we had to take a c-section on her due to one big puppy that was coming out the wrong way. But a healthy babygirl now called Flikka was born 10.12.2012 at about three o´clock. She weighed about 220 grams when she was born and today she´s about 340 grams. Flikka is going to stay at the kennel with us so we welcome her into the horde.
I´ll try to keep you updated in this blog too, but if you understand swedish I´ll recommend reading my other blog Hundmammans tankar
Here´s some pictures =)
But lets see what new on the dog-front. Well Neiti have attended a mental description for dogs. We have attended av few dogsshows with our youngsters, no bigger success on that front, but we satisfied still because the critics have been that they are young and need time to settle.
We have attended a few unofficial competitions in agility and rallyobedience. Kiira got a second place in her first agilitycompetition (unofficial) and won her trainingcompetition. Neiti got a second place in rallyobedience with 94 points and Ressu got a 3rd place with 92 points.
We also have a puppy at home now. Kiira was mated with Tero (Shandy´s Line Of Fire) and last monday a babygirl was born. Unfortunally we had to take a c-section on her due to one big puppy that was coming out the wrong way. But a healthy babygirl now called Flikka was born 10.12.2012 at about three o´clock. She weighed about 220 grams when she was born and today she´s about 340 grams. Flikka is going to stay at the kennel with us so we welcome her into the horde.
I´ll try to keep you updated in this blog too, but if you understand swedish I´ll recommend reading my other blog Hundmammans tankar
Here´s some pictures =)
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Westtorpets Queen Of Fire - Flikka 10.12.2012 |
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Westtorpets Queen Of Fire - Flikka 2 days old |
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Kiira, Flikka with Tigger |
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Westtorpets Queen Of Fire - Flikka 1 week old |
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Westtorpets Queen Of Fire - Flikka 1 week old |
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Westtorpets Queen Of Fire - Flikka 1 week old |
onsdag 30 maj 2012
Dogshow, mentaltest (dog) and wedding
Yeah, I know it´s been almost 1,5 week since she took the test, but with the wedding and all coming up I haven´t had the time to write in both of my blogs and I have to confess it´s alot easier to write in swedish =)
Well back to Kiira =). 19.5 we attended a dogshow i Pori (Kiiras first time in open class) and she became 5th in a big open class so I´m very proud of her! After the show my mother and I went to Tampere where we stayed overnight in an hotel. The following day we attended a mentaltest for dogs in Ylojarvi. And I´m so proud of Kiira. She did really well and got +127 points (the scale goes from -300 to +300).
I wanted to test her due to the puppies we are planning to take with her and Tero later this year! And now I know that she has a good mentality!
And this Saturday (26 of May) me and my sweetheart got married so now I´m Mrs Kati Wester. My email has also changed so if anyone tried to send me an email on my old address please re-send it to the new one kati.wester@netikka.fi. Thank you!
A picture of me and Mats as we walk out of the church
Well back to Kiira =). 19.5 we attended a dogshow i Pori (Kiiras first time in open class) and she became 5th in a big open class so I´m very proud of her! After the show my mother and I went to Tampere where we stayed overnight in an hotel. The following day we attended a mentaltest for dogs in Ylojarvi. And I´m so proud of Kiira. She did really well and got +127 points (the scale goes from -300 to +300).
I wanted to test her due to the puppies we are planning to take with her and Tero later this year! And now I know that she has a good mentality!
Here´s a video from the test. |
And this Saturday (26 of May) me and my sweetheart got married so now I´m Mrs Kati Wester. My email has also changed so if anyone tried to send me an email on my old address please re-send it to the new one kati.wester@netikka.fi. Thank you!
A picture of me and Mats as we walk out of the church
tisdag 15 maj 2012
My other blog
Just wanted to inform all readers that we have another blog (that´s in Swedish) if you are intrested then check in Hundmammans tankar (the adress is http://hundmammans.blogspot.com/ )
måndag 7 maj 2012
A dogshow-weekend
This weekend we attended two dogshows. On Saturday in Kauhava with Neiti, Merja and Kalle. On Sunday in Pietarsaari with Neiti, Merja, Kalle and Pyre.
Kauhava (judge Reia Leikola-Walden)
Kalle: Puppyclass (Dog) 1 with HP, Best Of Breed-puppy
Merja: Puppyclass (Bitch) 1 with HP, Best Of Opposite Sex-puppy
Neiti: Very Good and 2nd in her class
Pietarsaari (judge Ing-Marie Hagelin)
Kalle: Puppyclass (Dog) 1 with HP, Best Of Breed-puppy
Merja: Puppyclass (Bitch) 1 with HP, Best Of Opposite Sex-puppy
Pyre: Puppyclass (Bitch) 2 with HP
Neiti: Very Good and 3rd in her class
We are so thankful and happy for these lovely pups!
This was the last puppyshow so the next time we attend a dogshow our pups will be in Junior class.
Kauhava (judge Reia Leikola-Walden)
Kalle: Puppyclass (Dog) 1 with HP, Best Of Breed-puppy
Merja: Puppyclass (Bitch) 1 with HP, Best Of Opposite Sex-puppy
Neiti: Very Good and 2nd in her class
Pietarsaari (judge Ing-Marie Hagelin)
Kalle: Puppyclass (Dog) 1 with HP, Best Of Breed-puppy
Merja: Puppyclass (Bitch) 1 with HP, Best Of Opposite Sex-puppy
Pyre: Puppyclass (Bitch) 2 with HP
Neiti: Very Good and 3rd in her class
We are so thankful and happy for these lovely pups!
This was the last puppyshow so the next time we attend a dogshow our pups will be in Junior class.
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