Well where should I get started?
We have a new champion =) Neiti Spectrolite´s Points On Back became Finnish Champion FI CH (show) 1.9.13 in Suonenjoki. Judge was Lena Danker. Pyre also attended the same dogshow and was 2nd in Open Class with CQ (and Best bitch 5 if they would have placed 5 bitches).
All 3 of our youngsters (cockerspaniels Merja, Kalle and Pyre) have passed their working ability test this summer.
Merja has also got 2 first price in MEJA (bloodtracking) and a ticket to winnerclass. Kalle got a first prize in MEJA 04.08 and became Lakeuden Spanielit ryn Open class champion.
Both Merja and Kalle got their waterworktest approved (for huntingtest) with 3p (of 3p)
Flikka is growing and has now attended her first dogshow with VG from a known sheltiebreeder (she´s a little bit undeveloped still) so we have som hopes for her =)
Mats and Kiira have attended some unofficial agilitycompetitions with som good results. He also competed with Merja with good results =)
Ressu and I have attended 2 unofficiall rallyobedience competitions with approved results borh times, second competition we got a second place (would have won if I wouldn´t have screwed up at a sign)
I shall try to write a little bit more often, I´ll try ;)
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