tisdag 18 december 2012


Sorry all, I haven´t written in a very long time in this blog, most due to that time seems to fly away.

But lets see what new on the dog-front. Well Neiti have attended a mental description for dogs. We have attended av few dogsshows with our youngsters, no bigger success on that front, but we satisfied still because the critics have been that they are young and need time to settle.
We have attended a few unofficial competitions in agility and rallyobedience. Kiira got a second place in her first agilitycompetition (unofficial) and won her trainingcompetition. Neiti got a second place in rallyobedience with 94 points and Ressu got a 3rd place with 92 points.

We also have a puppy at home now. Kiira was mated with Tero (Shandy´s Line Of Fire) and last monday a babygirl was born. Unfortunally we had to take a c-section on her due to one big puppy that was coming out the wrong way. But a healthy babygirl now called Flikka was born 10.12.2012 at about three o´clock. She weighed about 220 grams when she was born and today she´s about 340 grams. Flikka is going to stay at the kennel with us so we welcome her into the horde.

I´ll try to keep you updated in this blog too, but if you understand swedish I´ll recommend reading my other blog Hundmammans tankar

Here´s some pictures =)

Westtorpets Queen Of Fire - Flikka 10.12.2012

Westtorpets Queen Of Fire - Flikka 2 days old

Kiira, Flikka with Tigger
Westtorpets Queen Of Fire - Flikka 1 week old

Westtorpets Queen Of Fire - Flikka 1 week old

Westtorpets Queen Of Fire - Flikka 1 week old

onsdag 30 maj 2012

Dogshow, mentaltest (dog) and wedding

Yeah, I know it´s been almost 1,5 week since she took the test, but with the wedding and all coming up I haven´t had the time to write in both of my blogs and I have to confess it´s alot easier to write in swedish =)

Well back to Kiira =). 19.5 we attended a dogshow i Pori (Kiiras first time in open class) and she became 5th in a big open class so I´m very proud of her! After the show my mother and I went to Tampere where we stayed overnight in an hotel. The following day we attended a mentaltest for dogs in Ylojarvi. And I´m so proud of Kiira. She did really well and got +127 points (the scale goes from -300 to +300).
I wanted to test her due to the puppies we are planning to take with her and Tero later this year! And now I know that she has a good mentality!

Here´s a video from the test.

And this Saturday (26 of May) me and my sweetheart got married so now I´m Mrs Kati Wester. My email has also changed so if anyone tried to send me an email on my old address please re-send it to the new one kati.wester@netikka.fi. Thank you!

A picture of me and Mats as we walk out of the church


tisdag 15 maj 2012

My other blog

Just wanted to inform all readers that we have another blog (that´s in Swedish) if you are intrested then check in Hundmammans tankar (the adress is http://hundmammans.blogspot.com/ )

måndag 7 maj 2012

A dogshow-weekend

This weekend we attended two dogshows. On Saturday in Kauhava with Neiti, Merja and Kalle. On Sunday in Pietarsaari with Neiti, Merja, Kalle and Pyre.

Kauhava (judge Reia Leikola-Walden)
Kalle: Puppyclass (Dog) 1 with HP, Best Of Breed-puppy
Merja: Puppyclass (Bitch) 1 with HP, Best Of Opposite Sex-puppy
Neiti: Very Good and 2nd in her class

Pietarsaari (judge Ing-Marie Hagelin)
Kalle: Puppyclass (Dog) 1 with HP, Best Of Breed-puppy
Merja: Puppyclass (Bitch) 1 with HP, Best Of Opposite Sex-puppy
Pyre: Puppyclass (Bitch) 2 with HP
Neiti: Very Good and 3rd in her class

We are so thankful and happy for these lovely pups!

This was the last puppyshow so the next time we attend a dogshow our pups will be in Junior class.

tisdag 1 maj 2012

What a weekend

Wow, what a weekend we had! We attended two dogshows with Kalle, Merja and Neiti. One in Teerijarvi and one in Kaustinen.
On Saturday the dogshow were in Teerijarvi and the judge was Hans Rosenberg from Sweden. Kalle was Best Of Breed-puppy and Merja Best Of Opposite Sex-puppy. Neiti got an Excellent (from a judge that didin´t give too many of those) and became second in her class.
On Sunday we went to Kaustinen and the judge was Bo Skalin from Finland. Once again Kalle was Best Of Breed-puppy and Merja Best Of Opposite Sex-puppy. Neiti got a Very Good and 3rd in her class. A little disapointed were we but he said that she was a little bit too heavy. That she is! She had an acccident around Christmas with 5 broken bones and couldn´t be exerciced in a couple of months. So you can all guess that she gained a lot of weight at that time, she is slowly coming down but it´s taking a longer time then I expected!
But we are so pleased with our puppies! =) And I would like to say thanks to M and H for taking so nice pictures of our dogs and M for showing Kalle in the Best Of-rings!

Kalle & Merja Teerijarvi 2012

Kalle & Merja Kaustinen 2012
Neiti Teerijarvi 2012

Kalle Kaustinen 2012

Merja Kaustinen 2012

Merja Kaustinen 2012

Kalle Teerijarvi 2012

Kalle Teerijarvi 2012

Merja Teerijarvi 2012

Merja Teerijarvi 2012

Neiti Teerijarvi 2012

Neiti Teerijarvi 2012

Neiti Teerijarvi 2012

onsdag 18 april 2012

Vaasa International dogshow

Last weekend the International dogshow took place. On Saturday I was working as a ringstewerdess. It was an experience for life with fire-alarms and dogs in wring classes and so on. On Sunday we attended with our 4 cockers. Also our puppies father was there. It was really interesting having the chance to compare Kossu (the father) and Kalle.

Well what about the results? I couldn´t be prouder!

Merja (Westtorpets Stars Of Shadow) - Best Of Breed-puppy (and Honorprize of course)
Kalle (Westtorpets Shadow Of Smoke) - Best Of Opposite Sez-puppy (honorprize too)
Pyre (Westtorpets Faster Than Shadow) - 2nd best bitchpuppy with honorprize

Neiti (Spectrolite´s Points On Back) - EXC (excellent) 2 in Working class
Kossu (Jenlin Seventh Shadow) - EXC 2 in Champion class

torsdag 12 april 2012

Easter Dogshow in Ruovesi

On monday there were a dogshow (group) in Ruovesi. We attended with 4 cockers and we had Kiira with us as a touristdog.
It was our puppies first show and I have to confess that they behaved very well! And the results? Well, Kalle (Westtorpets Shadow Of Smoke) became BOB-puppy (best of breed) and Pyre (Westtorpets Faster Than Shadow) became BOS-puppy (best of opposite sex). Merja 2nd in bitch puppyclass and Neiti got a VG3. So we are very very satisfied =)

fredag 30 mars 2012

Kiira & Agility

Finally Kiiras heat is over and the puppyplans will have to wait until the fall. With the weddingplans and the honeymoon coming up in May and June we decided that it´s better to wait to fall when we have more time to spend with her and her puppies.

As usually on friday evening it´s agilitytime and due to the heat, Kiira have missed a couple of trainings. But now it was her turn to come with us to the training. Because I´m the trainer it´s Mats that trains with her. It seems like the pause has done Kiira some good. She was more focused and now she´s learning to read the obstacles and I believe that when Mats learns how a sheltie works that they´ll be really good at the agilitycourse =)

tisdag 27 mars 2012

Puppytraining and such

Well that was it. =(
The last session of puppyschool. All three pups has developed a lot in 8 weeks. And I´m very proud breeder (and owner) of them all! I´m already planing our next steps in Merjas training (yes, only Merjas because I´m training Merja, Mats Kalle and M. is training Pyre). A little bit of junior-agility and a little obedience and some rally obedience =)
And for all three dogs some showtraining!

Our first puppyshow is coming up soon so the training is much needed!

Luckily there´s a Match show (unofficial dogshow) this weekend and we get a chance to train all three there.

Or perhaps I should start playing soccer with Merja? =)

tisdag 20 mars 2012

Puppyschool again

Well tuesday evening and as usually we attended puppyschool with the pups. Merja was today very unconcentrated at first, her nose were more on the ground and the ears seemed to be closed. The first exercise was heeling on-leash and I have too confess it didn´t go at all well. The second exercise was heeling without a leash and that went a whole lot better. =) Then we had to train having the dog waiting and once again Merjas overactivity caused some minor problems for me. Being still is boring if you ask Merja. Then I trained some more heeling with Merja as long as I waited for everyone else to get ready with the waiting-exercise. And WOW, 100% concentrated on the task and at all time her eyes stayed on me. Very impressed I tried it again and with the same result. At that point I had to stop so that we wouldn´t stop with a failure. Then came the leave your dog and go outside exercise. I already knew that Merja would not be fond of that at all. And so right, she "sang" the whole time I were gone. But overall Merja functioned well and I´m so impressed with her heeling =)
Kalle has come in hos defiant age and he did at times as he wanted but Mats handled it well and he got Kalle to do the exercises. Pyre did also very well today, but she is like her mother and haven´t a clue where her paws are.

Our two-headed cockerspaniel =) Merja/Pyre

lördag 17 mars 2012

A few updates

When I yesterday looked in my camera I found a few old movies from when the puppies were younger. As the movie shows Kiira (Hillfire Tri To Be Good) acted as playpal. She played so nice with the pups and had the worlds best patience with them. =)

Also Mats has attended the breeders basic course last weekend and yesterday we got the news that he passed the course and with good grades too =)

tisdag 13 mars 2012


As usually on tuesday evening we attended puppyschool. Me and Merja, Mats and Kalle & Mats`s mother (co-owner) and Pyre.
I have to say that considering that they are only 6 months old that they behave very well.

The exercises today was:
  • heeling with the leash 
    The track: there were 4 cones  placed as a T first sit at the first cone and then att the second take a leftturn and at the third turn about then pass the second cone and at the last cone you had to take an obedienceturn about (it´s when you turn towards the dog and the dog goes all the way around you and the leash go in the other hand) at the second cone then we had to sit and then make a leftturn again.
  • heeling without a leash
    same track as above
  • leaving the dog and going out (with a leash of course)
All of the 3 puppies rocked both heelingexercises. Pyre and Kalle wasn´t that troubled that their owners left them. Merja on the other hand wasn´t at all fond of the idea of being left. She sang a lament until I was back and I haven´t seen a happier dog =).

I also have to mention that Merja had her new collar today (a pink hurrta lifeguard.) Isn´t she the cutest? =)

Merja with her new Hurttacollar

söndag 11 mars 2012

Shame on me!

I know, I know. I really should update my blog more often. But in my defense I haven´t had the time and also I´m having some problems with my hands, Going to the doctor´s office at the 21 and 27 of march to see what is wrong with them.

Now you might think why I´m blogging in english, that´s because I´ve got some request from friends that all of them don´t understand swedish so that´s why I´m atleast trying to write in english ;)

Well to the good news. Our puppies are growing and the training has began. Every tuesday evening we are attending puppyschool with Merja, Kalle and Pyre i Maalahti. Merja and Kalle has attended 2 Match shows (unofficial shows) were Kalle became blue puppy 2nd at the first show. Go Mats and Kalle!
At the second show Pyre also attended (with my mom as handler) and got a red ribbon. Merja (with me as her handler) also got a red ribbon and she became 3rd red puppy. Kalle got a blue ribbon and he became 3rd best blue puppy, Good puppies =)

Kalle and Merja after Kauhajoki puppyshow

And then I have some more good news. We´re getting married in May <3.  There´s another reason that my blog hasn´t been updated, I´ve been busy planning =).

I´ve now also got me degree from Yrkesakademin and I graduated in top of my class and got a scholarship. I´m a bit proud of myself.

I´ve taken alot of new photos and you´ll find them here

I wish you all a relaxing weekend and hope to have a chance to write soon again ;)